Friday, June 27, 2008


Quoted CNN Blog.


McCain hopes to paint Obama as a politician who puts party and self-interest above the needs of the nation, claiming that the Illinois senator has “never been a part of a bipartisan group that came together to solve a controversial issue”.

This morning, Romney faithfully repeated that charge. When I pointed out that Obama reached across party lines to work with Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, on a non-proliferation measure, and with Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Oregon, on increasing gas mileage requirements, Romney shot back, saying that “Actually, on both cases, you’re talking about two liberal positions, non-proliferation as well as the gasoline mileage."


I believe his point was that Obama "reaching across the aisle" and coming together to pass a bill resulted in something that was strictly in line with the liberal position on those issues. This is a great thing for a liberal to point out to other liberals but it should hardly make conservatives (or right leaning moderates for that matter) confident that he can truly be bi-partisan.

He reaches across the aisle to tempt weak moraled Republicans to his side, and then spins the phrase as if he met them half way.


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