I Love the 19th Amendment
The 19th amendment was a milestone in American history. It served as the marker for the overturning of one of the last great civil injustices that old America perpetuated on it's citizens. The final marker was overturned at the conclusion of the Civil Rights movement. Both Women and African-Americans are now equal before the law (except public bathrooms and the draft when it comes to women).
These are all very good things.
Unfortunately there are groups today that are trying to hijack the glorious and noble causes they have grown up hearing stories about. Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were heroes who overcame great adversity and accomplished something of note for society. They held a mirror up to American hypocrisy and forced us to change our horrid ways.
Susan B. Anthony pointed out that while men and women are different, they deserve equal opportunity to pursue the things they desire.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, however, are simply sensationalists searching for their moment in the spot light and wishing they had been born a few decades earlier so they could have participated in a real movement.
Rosie O'Donnell and other "feminists" are just deluding themselves by choosing battles that don't make any sense. Recently, while writing in Microsoft Word, I typed in "businessman." Grammar checked popped up and suggested "Businessperson." This really chafes my ass, because the words are "fireman," "policeman," "businessman," and "mailman." I reject the existance of the word "firewoman." If they really want a feminized version of the word, they can call themselves "firemanette."
I do not feel like getting in to the Gay 'Rights' movement today. Suffice it to say that I do not have the right to marry a guy, and neither does a gay man. There is no inequality here.
-Raphael Hythloday
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