A Democrat Showing Patriotism? All is not lost
Recently a source revealed to me an interesting piece written by the President of the USC College Democrats. It shows that the end of the world may not necessarily be around the corner; it shows that there is some hope for the future of America; it shows that there is at least one “prominent” Democrat with some idea of what it means to be American.
Michael Stephan has shown us that there are still a few Democrats who truly believe that America is the greatest nation on Earth. The following poem was written by Mike and read aloud at his high school on the anniversary following 9/11. It is, in Mr. Stephan’s classic style, riotously funny. Its message and portent however are deadly serious.

A Poem about the Taliban by Michael J. Stephan
I do not like the Taliban.
I do not like it,
Uncle Sam, I am.
I do not like it, with a potAta,
I do not like it, with al Queda.
I do not like it with a man,
I would not, could not, in Afghanistan.
I will not like it in the rain,
I do not think, they have a brain.
I think their minds are made of wax,
I'm sick of all their an-tha-rax.
I do not
like the Taliban.
I do not like it,
Uncle Sam, I am.
I do not like it in a Mercedes-Benz,
I do not like it, they hurt all of my friends.
I do not like it, in a can,
I would not, could not, in a dirty, lethal, armored van.
I do not like it in a plane,
I think they all are insane.
I do not like them, hiding in a cave,
I will only like them in a grave.
I do not like the Taliban.
I do not like it,
Uncle Sam, I am.
I do not like it, they knock down our stuff,
I do not like it, they aren't so tough.
I do not like it, they like to lament,
I would not, could not, with no government.
I do not like it, the day is here,
I do not like it, now we know fear.
I do not like it, they had a grenade,
I do not like it, now they are afraid.
-The United States is truly the greatest nation on Earth.
Granted this show of patriotism was before the invasion of Iraq and is directed solely towards Afghanistan, not anywhere else. However, it has to be asked what happened to this fervor. Later in the year, after the invasion of Iraq, my sources tell me that Mr. Stephan led a school walkout protest of the war. Disregarding our party differences on the reasons and validity of going into Iraq, I want to ask Mr. Stephan where is the patriotism that he showed in his youth? Does he still claim that America is the greatest country on Earth? Democrats who can unequivocally make the statement that "The United States is truly the greatest nation on Earth" are very few and far between.
If, despite the general feeling of apathy Democrats have towards America’s greatness, Mr. Stephen is willing to publicly state his pride in America, then he deserves a round of applause. I would be more than happy to applaud him, but the question remains, will his fellow Democrats allow him to say it?
-Raphael Hythloday
america is the greatest country in the world. with great power comes great responsibility.
however, neo conservatism is soiling the reputation of the United States of America. Republicans all over this country are running away from a president that has committed his own party to suicide.
you have a GOP whos grown the government, been fiscally irresponsible, done nothing about immigration. where is the party that patrick buchanan grew up in? where are the budget hawking, isolationist old men who loved everything american, fought and died in ww2?
democrats have been unable to come up with any alternatives and thats whats so striking about the GOPs position.
the RNC has conseded the governorships, written off the House and are preparing legal responses to inquiries from future speaker and 3rd in line Nancy Pelosi. the money and resources are being poured into the NRSC to try and save the senate.
todays conservsatives pledge alligance to the free market not the united states. the political tactics of today are to cause as much fear and unrest about the war on terror that all other failures are overlooked. when has america been a nation of fear? which of our forfathers were afraid to write or afraid to hold unpopular opinion?
the gop will have its ass handed to them come the first tuesday of november. as i democrat i will welcome the return of the GOP to its rightful owners, people like my late grandfather.
A Buchanan Paleoconservative? Awesome. I have read "Death of the West" and "A Republic, Not an Empire." I am waiting on his new book. I agree with you on everything you will find on "Death of the West," and I am in agreement with nearly everything that the America First party has to say with three exceptions. First they claim that Education needs to be entirely localized. This would be an extremely backwards move as what education needs is high-level nationalized standards. Local school boards should be able to determine curriculum, as long as they meet new, more rigorous, federal standards. That is in an upcoming article I will be writing.
My second issue with Buchanan is his stance on the war. He draws a distinction between Vietnam and Iraq, saying that Vietnam was a war against the great evils of communism. If Patrick Buchanan is so strongly for saving Western Civilization I say that the unreconciliable wing of Islam stands to poses the same level of threat to the glory of Western Culture as Soviet Russia did. My third and final problem with Pat Buchanan is his protectionist stance. Coming from an economics background I cannot see this issue in anything but a rational way. Outsourcing is horrible, however adding business hurdles such as tariffs is not the way to prevent it. Breaking the back of useless unions that simply monopolize sectors of the labor market is the most effective way to do it.
Now that I have pointed out the differences between me and you, I feel that I should be clear on our agreements. "The Death of the West" is an inspired book, and everyone should read it. Immigration is one of the most important issues to me. The Senate Bill is for shit, and the House bill is a tiny step in teh right direction. The Republican leadership (especially Bush, Frist made a good step the other day) has it completely wrong on immigration. When you look at the underlying ideologies that drive people to be 'conservative' Bush is simply doing what he thinks is best for the Party. He feels, in smoe strange alternate universe, that by legalizing 11 million people who will never be able to join the melting-pot, the Republican Party will gain their votes. That is ludicrous, it didn't work in '86, why should it work now.
I share in your disappointment with the Republican Party and I feel that they need to get with it if they are ever going to be effective. But if you hate how things are now, just wait and see what Clinton and Pelosi will do with their new leadership positions.
It gives me nightmares.
You started off with "great power comes great responsibility," our responsibility is to our progeny. We need to give them a world in which they can succeed. Our great responsibility is to protect our Western Heritage and there is no other greater threats to it than immigration and the radical wing of Islam. If you ignore one, there is no point in dealing with the other. That goes for both Bush and Buchanan. Bush ignores the immigration threat and Buchanan ignores the Islamic threat. I see both as the problem.
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