Monday, November 20, 2006

Question of the Day

Do log cabins have closets?

-Raphael Hythloday

Friday, November 10, 2006

Looking To the Future

     Having let it sit in my brain for a few days, I would like to share my thoughts on the meaning and relevance of this past Tuesday. Pundits are proclaiming that the Democrats will only be able to get small potatoes through such as a minimum wage hike. Rumsfeld quit/got fired, same with Mehlman. McCain and Clinton practically announced for 2008. Germany is charging Rumsfeld with war crimes (laughable). Iran says that the Democratic victory is a victory for Iran. Israel is threatening to bomb Iran. My conclusion is that the world is a much less safe place now that the Democrats are in control.

     Republicans need to pack it up, regroup and prepare for '08. We need a Presidential candidate that can return us to the core conservative values. We need a Party Chairman who can orchestrate our return to congressional power in 2008. I see these two people as Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.

     When you look at Romney, you see a man, a man who looks like a President. There is no other way to put it, he is conservative, he is smart, he understands what needs to be done with foreign policy, but most importantly he comes from a business background. If you were to sum up his pre-political career history in one word, you would use "efficiency." He is a specialist at reforming, and is just what the over-bureaucratized and bogged down federal government needs right now.

     Newt Gingrich did it in 1994; he can do it in 2008. Bring him back, immediately. Let Gingrich run the re-election campaigns. Entrust our future to him. Rove was a numbers man, he ran campaigns, Gingrich did it by selling an idealogy, which is what needs to be done.

     With one eye on '08, let us now focus on keeping the Dems from doing too much damage. Bush will keep anything too bad from happening, but letting Bush go heavy with the veto pen will hurt the image of Republicans in general, and he has already done enough damage in that area. Almost everything the Democrats will get through, minimum wage being the obvious example, will just be temporary setbacks, they can all be repealed at the beginning of 2008.

     The one permanent thing that they can do. The one thing that keeps me awake at night. The one thing they would do that would have Bush cheering them on, is give the illegals amnesty. Once we create 30 million new American citizens we cannot repeal it, we cannot revoke it.

     I do not understand Bush's position on this issue. There is no way that these new citizens will vote Republican, so he isn't just being a good Republican. Legalizing the illegals will force us to pay them an ever increasing minimum wage, which eliminates the economic benefit of a flooded labor market, so he isn't being a selfish capitalist. The only thing I can think of is that he really truly believes there is a future in a "North American Union," and he is willing to sell out our culture and our society to further it.

     Our culture already has enough members willing to sabotage it from the inside. We are already riddled with more tumors than we can handle (liberalism), why are we going to absorb more.

     The Democrats' 'mandate' will be short-lived if we entrust the future of our party to the right people. Their damage will be miniscule, except where our own party is complicit in their treason.

-Raphael Hythloday

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thoughts For The Morning After

For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.

In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the LORD thy Redeemer.

Isaiah 54:7-8

-Raphael Hythloday